Devers sets Red Sox record by homering in his 6th consecutive game

travel2024-06-03 23:36:50753

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) — Boston Rex Sox star Rafael Devers set a team record when he homered for the sixth consecutive game in Monday night’s 5-0 win over the Tampa Bay Rays.

Devers had shared the mark of five with Jimmie Foxx (1940), Ted Williams (1957), Dick Stuart (1963), George Scott (1977), Jose Canseco (1985) and Bobby Dalbec (2020).

“He’s a freak,” Red Sox winning pitcher Tanner Houck said. ”A guy that can hit any pitch at any time, and to see what he’s done, I mean, he’s just an incredible player.”

He is the first major leaguer to do it since the Los Angeles Angels’ Mike Trout had a seven-game streak from Sept. 4-12, 2022.

I’m very proud to be in that conversation with him,” Devers said through a translator. “Obviously we know the type of superstar that he is. He’s a future Hall of Famer and superstar, and to be in the same level with him is very nice.”

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